Book Binding (Onsite/Offsite)
Issues with Punched Documents
- While punching there are chances of making mistake e.g. alignment issue, incomplete holes etc.
- The punch hole of the paper gets damaged due to daily use & unknowingly you can lose important documents from files.
- Chances of missing some papers gets increased and can become major issue during some crictical work like audit etc.
- When number of files gets increased after certain duration then it will becomes very difficult to search for any specific record.
- You also need to spend extra money and time for storing the above mentioned large pile of documents.
- To scan all of your documents as mentioned in below link
- Scanning Services
- Book Binding i.e. by binding all of your previous year's files.
- In binding, all pages of your files are sewn together. So that, in case bound files fallen accidentally then the pages will not come out.
- Binding will empty your box files which you can use for your newly created documents so you don't have to buy new box-files.
- Binding of documents takes less space than the box-files, which means that if there are 5 box files in a storage cabinet, then at least 7 binding files will fit in that space.